Modern Landscaping Ideas For Your Business Complex Outdoors

Are you interested in improving your curb appeal? Learn some tips and tricks for gardening and landscaping to keep your yard looking good.

About Me
Lovely, Lively and Likable Landscaping Ideas: A Landscaping Blog

Hello! My name is Heather, and I absolutely love gardening and landscaping. I decided to start a blog about it because I wanted a creative project, and I hadn't written anything in a while. I work as a real estate agent, and I see first hand how important landscaping is in terms of curb appeal. In this blog, I plan to write about a range of landscaping topics, and I hope you like the results. I am married to Steve, an incredible and supportive husband. We have two daughters, Hillary and Sasha, and we spend a lot of time together in our yard. They are at the heart of everything I do, and this blog is dedicated to them. Enjoy!

Modern Landscaping Ideas For Your Business Complex Outdoors

23 May 2016
, Blog

There are many ways in which you can decorate your business complex or office outdoors. Modern ideas offer some great solutions that will help you create unique outdoors with a touch of creativity. Below are examples of modern and unique ideas for the outdoors that will indeed give your outdoors a facelift and a touch of creativity.

Garden Statues

A garden statue is a great monumental item that can help you enhance the theme of your business by creating a statue that is themed. The best way to do this is to choose a design or model that gives an idea of what to expect from your business. For example, if you offer lifeguard training lessons, then you can have a garden sculpture in the shape or form of a lifeguard or dolphin.

Also, it's essential to choose the right place for your garden statue. It's advisable to avoid hidden corners or a place near a path or entrance. This will help you to avoid having your sculpture as an obstruction to movement or have it where it cannot be seen. Also, it's a good idea to make your statue a focal point for your outdoors. You can do this by placing it in the middle of your lawn or the most pronounced part of your outdoors.

Vertical Gardens

Vertical gardens are planted on vertical spaces and can be mounted on pillars, walls and fences. A vertical garden will create a sense of serenity in your outdoors and also occupy minimal ground space. Vertical gardens are ideal for small spaces that lack ample ground space.

If you don't have an open and free vertical space in your compound on which you can mount your vertical garden, then create pillars or erect a fence, such as the wire mesh fence. It's best to consult a professional to help you identify the best material for your fence and also the best place to have it fixed. Remember that vertical gardens require good maintenance so ensure you consult your plant supplies provider on how to maintain the type of vertical garden fence you choose.

Artificial Turf

Artificial turf offers many benefits also found in natural grass and has some added advantages, as well. Some of the main features of artificial turf make it ideal for commercial places. One great added advantage of artificial turf is that it does not become muddy or form dead patches. This means that provided you keep the artificial turf clean, you will have a lash-green turf all year round.

Also, artificial turf can be installed on a surface that does not have fertile soil or any soil for that matter. If your outdoors are mainly covered with stones, then you don't have to forego having a green lawn-like setting. Instead, purchase artificial turf for your outdoors and create a perfectly green compound.

It's beneficial to think with an open mind when it comes to office outdoors landscaping. Not all landscaping ideas are fit for commercial places, so it's important to find the ideal ways that are convenient and effective.