
Are you interested in improving your curb appeal? Learn some tips and tricks for gardening and landscaping to keep your yard looking good.

About Me
Lovely, Lively and Likable Landscaping Ideas: A Landscaping Blog

Hello! My name is Heather, and I absolutely love gardening and landscaping. I decided to start a blog about it because I wanted a creative project, and I hadn't written anything in a while. I work as a real estate agent, and I see first hand how important landscaping is in terms of curb appeal. In this blog, I plan to write about a range of landscaping topics, and I hope you like the results. I am married to Steve, an incredible and supportive husband. We have two daughters, Hillary and Sasha, and we spend a lot of time together in our yard. They are at the heart of everything I do, and this blog is dedicated to them. Enjoy!

Commonly Asked Questions about Maintaining Healthy Turf

31 May 2016
, Blog

Healthy turf can make any property look good; a lush, green lawn is very inviting, and it can also protect the soil from damage due to soil erosion or the sun's harsh rays. If you have a hard time maintaining a healthy turf or are thinking of planting new turf from seed, you want to ensure you know about turf and how to care for it properly. Note a few commonly asked questions when it comes to healthy turf, as these might help to ensure that your lawn always looks its best. Read More …

Modern Landscaping Ideas For Your Business Complex Outdoors

23 May 2016
 Categories: , Blog

There are many ways in which you can decorate your business complex or office outdoors. Modern ideas offer some great solutions that will help you create unique outdoors with a touch of creativity. Below are examples of modern and unique ideas for the outdoors that will indeed give your outdoors a facelift and a touch of creativity. Garden Statues A garden statue is a great monumental item that can help you enhance the theme of your business by creating a statue that is themed. Read More …

Using Paving Stones to Prevent Water Erosion Around Your Home

16 May 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Tired of rain water eroding the earth around your house? There are a number of solutions you can explore, and if you have some paving stones, they can help you control the water. Here are some ideas to consider: 1. Create an erosion resistant path around your home. If you don't have gutters, rainwater and melting snow will slide off your eaves, in sheets onto the ground below. This can cause the soil to wear away and erode, and eventually, the falling water may create a trough around your house. Read More …

Creating a Beautiful Garden in Australia’s Dry Climate

9 May 2016
 Categories: , Blog

One of the greatest things about living in Australia is the beautiful sunny weather. In some parts of the country, the weather can also be extremely dry and arid, and this can lead to water restrictions. Australians are accustomed to these restrictions, but their gardens might not be. Some gardens need a lot of water to look their best, whereas a cleverly designed garden for an arid climate should look great no matter the time of year. Read More …

3 Reasons Why Synthetic Grass Is The Perfect Family-Friendly Option For Your Garden

29 April 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Synthetic grass has come a long way since the advent of the scratchy, unattractive, and clearly fake synthetic grass of past decades. Modern synthetic grass is lush, beautiful, and barely distinguishable from the real thing. It's manufactured in a wide variety of colours and turf textures and is very easy to lay and maintain. It's available through most landscape supply companies and can be delivered directly to your home. If you're considering using synthetic grass, then here are three reasons why it is a great family-friendly option for your garden. Read More …