
Are you interested in improving your curb appeal? Learn some tips and tricks for gardening and landscaping to keep your yard looking good.

About Me
Lovely, Lively and Likable Landscaping Ideas: A Landscaping Blog

Hello! My name is Heather, and I absolutely love gardening and landscaping. I decided to start a blog about it because I wanted a creative project, and I hadn't written anything in a while. I work as a real estate agent, and I see first hand how important landscaping is in terms of curb appeal. In this blog, I plan to write about a range of landscaping topics, and I hope you like the results. I am married to Steve, an incredible and supportive husband. We have two daughters, Hillary and Sasha, and we spend a lot of time together in our yard. They are at the heart of everything I do, and this blog is dedicated to them. Enjoy!

Driving Traffic: Elements to Consider for Roadway Landscaping

24 January 2017
, Blog

Many elements of infrastructure are underappreciated, and roadway landscaping is probably one of them.  On long and often monotonous, traffic-ridden drives, members of the public do spend a lot of time looking out of their car windows at the landscape of the roads beside them, but how many are actually grateful for any beautification work that has been done there?   Anything to break up the repetitive road they're moving along is a plus, but few people probably actually think about the creation of roadway landscaping. Read More …

Four Signs You Need a Hydro Excavator on the Building Site for Your Tiny House

1 August 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Giant backhoes and excavators are not the only tools in excavation, and if you are building a tiny home and you need help preparing the spot, you may want to explore hydro excavation. There are a number of signs that your project may need hydro excavation rather than traditional excavation. Here are four signs you should speak with a hydro excavator. 1. You don't have enough room to fit traditional excavation equipment on your site. Read More …

Hiring Plants in a Heat Wave: Five Tips to Help

28 June 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you are hiring plants during a heat wave, you should keep the heat in mind and try to ameliorate its effects whilst caring for the plants you have hired. Want to ensure the plants are in great condition when you return them to the plant hire company? Then, take a look at these tips:  1. Keep the air cool with air conditioning. If you have hired plants to use in your home, an office building or any other facility, you should adjust the temperature so that it is comfortable for the plants. Read More …

Pre-Requisites to Becoming a Good Land Surveyor

21 June 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Career issues are very subjective and no single self-help piece of literature can claim to provide a one-size-fits-all type of solution. However, every vocation demands a particular set of attributes that can easily be discerned by a keen eye. A career in land surveying is no exception. To this end, any person who intends to dabble in this field should cultivate the following competencies in order to achieve satisfactory levels of success: Read More …

Should you get synthetic grass? Consider these pros and cons first

13 June 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Synthetic grass, also called artificial turf, is a great alternative to a traditional lawn. It looks just like natural grass and has many of the same features of grass, but it is often revered as better than a traditional lawn. However, like all lawn options, there are also some drawbacks to consider. It helps to look at the pros and cons before deciding if synthetic grass is a good option for you. Read More …